How AI+video editors eases class logistics


1.1 trends of digital video and its evolutions

As the fast paced society devlops, many lifestyles have been evolved to be more digitalized. A good example is the lauch of Zoom during the frightening pandemic. The remote and asynchronous meetings have been gradually accepted and immersed into global academia. As most find AI tools easily accessible and time saving, for which AI components do many jobs for human, AI driven and affiliated apps and equipments have welcomed their everchanging prime days.

1.2 How AI-video tools implement into real class senario

As many teachers record their classes remotely and post for students to watch. It was expected to benefit both the edcuators and students, who don't have to show up at the same time, sit in the same lecture hall. However, without AI tools, there are still obstacles for teachers to smoothly edit their contents.

Talecast, an AI+Video tech product, is aiming to create users a better rexperience while filming or editing their videos. Among the many functions Talecast currently have, the functions to add subtitles and rewrite videos stand out to further benefit teachers. Simply upload one's recorded videos, no duration limit as long as one has purchased a membership.

For students, they can also create their presentation and simplify their working process through receiving helps from Talecasr.

For example, for students to prepare for a group project presentation rehearsal, they can first upload a video and then check for the quality. To share more details about the use of Talecast, they can select from dozens of captions which differ in font; and some 20-30 backgrounds vary in not just color but also the dimension effects; as well as adjusting the subtitles.

  • To give more concrete examples, the editing buttons can change the context among subtitles, it can detect and then remove unecessary and repeated words,(i.e, I am, uh, uh, uh em a Sophomore majoring in business marketing and etc).

  • So the students can do the rehearsal once, and through modifying their recorded videos to reach a better expected effect, this greatly saves their time so that they won't have to spend any extra times on rehearsals.

Choose from these, and more:

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Blog written by Zhanyu Xie, a junior copywriter & blogger under the operational team for Talecast.